Understanding Solar Financing

Understanding Solar Financing

One of the common barriers to adopting solar energy systems we hear is the upfront cost of installation. This is where solar financing comes into play, enabling homeowners to access solar power without a substantial initial investment. Learn more about solar financing options below, and talk to one of our team members to learn what option is right for you!


Types of Solar Financing

1. Solar Loans: Solar loans are a popular financing option that allows homeowners and businesses to borrow money for the installation of solar panels. The loan amount covers the upfront costs, and borrowers typically repay the loan through fixed monthly installments over a predetermined period. Solar loans offer the advantage of ownership, allowing the borrower to benefit from electricity savings and any available tax incentives.

Additional considerations with solar loans…

  • There are solar-specific financiers and of course, standard lenders, such as a bank or credit union.
  • Solar-specific financiers offer many loan products with a variety of terms and rates. Homeowners need to be aware that the lowest rates typically come with high financing fees, but the lowest monthly payment. This can get tricky, so we are happy to dive into the weeds with you to find the best option for your needs.
  • Traditional banks or credit unions are fairly straightforward. They typically have less available loan products and not quite as long terms. Their fees are low and the interest rates are comparable to what you would expect from a bank (i.e. similar to present day secured or unsecured loan interest rates). Some states have rate reduction programs for renewable energy projects! Ask us for more information.


2.  Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs): A Power Purchase Agreement is an arrangement where a solar energy provider installs and maintains solar panels on a customer’s property. The customer, in turn, agrees to purchase the generated electricity at a predetermined rate over a specified contract term, typically ranging from 10 to 25 years. PPAs offer a “pay-as-you-go” model, eliminating upfront costs and allowing customers to access solar energy immediately. PPAs are very common for schools and other nonprofit entities who are seeking a low-risk way to control their budget and simultaneously be a good steward of the earth’s resources.


3. Solar Leases: Similar to PPAs, solar leases involve the installation and maintenance of solar panels by a third-party provider. However, instead of purchasing the electricity, the customer leases the panels and pays a fixed monthly amount for the use of the equipment. Solar leases are ideal for those who want to benefit from solar energy without the responsibility of ownership or maintenance.


Benefits of Solar Financing

1. Cost Savings: Solar financing options allow homeowners and businesses to enjoy immediate savings on their electricity bills. With solar energy, customers can generate their electricity and reduce their reliance on traditional utility providers, thereby decreasing monthly energy expenses.

2. Environmental Impact: By harnessing the power of the sun, solar energy significantly reduces carbon emissions and environmental pollution. Opting for solar financing helps individuals and organizations contribute to a greener future by supporting renewable energy sources.

3. Increased Property Value: Solar panels not only provide cost savings but also increase the value of the property. Studies have shown that homes equipped with solar energy systems sell faster and at higher prices compared to non-solar homes, making solar financing a sound investment.

4. Tax Incentives: Depending on the country and region, solar financing options may offer attractive tax incentives. These incentives can include tax credits, rebates, or accelerated depreciation, further reducing the overall cost of solar installations.


Eligibility and Considerations

To qualify for solar financing, factors such as creditworthiness, property ownership, and location may be evaluated. Lenders or solar providers typically conduct assessments to determine the feasibility of solar installations and establish the terms of financing.

When considering solar financing, it is essential to evaluate the potential savings, warranty terms, and maintenance responsibilities associated with different financing options. Comparing offers from multiple providers and seeking expert advice can help make an informed decision that aligns with specific requirements and financial goals.

Learn more about your solar financing options by talking to one of our team members>>